My exciting daily life, well perhaps that's not
exactly true. My life is super exciting but not on a day to day basis, I only
tend to realise just how not normal my life is this year when I reflect on it.
This is what the past few months have looked like
for me, we started in Brisbane then Toowoomba, then Brisbane, Hervey Bay,
Brisbane, Gatton, Brisbane, Evans Head, Brisbane, Biloela, Blackall, Claremont,
Mackay, Gladstone, Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Theodore, Yeppoon, Rockhampton,
Bundaberg, Coffs Harbour, Goulburn and now finally Traralgon. I have been in
all these places, toing and frowing for as short as one night up to a week in
the past two months. WOW.
Now, here's a breif peak into what my life has
been looking like. In Clarmont we got to milk cows, ride horses, drive four
wheelers, and have bonfires. In Rockhampton (aka "Rocky") we helped
to run the Rockahpton Youth festival in which we got to team up with the Emeral
team and do some ministry, it was so refreshing to hang out with them and save
souls (or at least do our best) with them. Theodore had a population of only
600! By FAR the smallest place we've worked in. In Yeppoon a few of us girls
went out with a mutual friend of one of my team mates, we went to see some of
Yeppoon’s night life, we went on a mullet hunt and went down "pie
alley" a (somewhat sketch) alley way in which at any hour of the night
there is someone in the back of the bakery waiting for a knock on their garage
door and willing to sell pies to those who have been out on the town, we of
course thought the whole thing was a joke but we were not disappointed! In
Bundaberg (Bundy) we did a lot of work (and simply hanging out) with the young
adults group there. One of them, whose name is Brent, is heavily involved with
the community theatre and he invited our whole team to go see their production
of "Little Shop of Horrors" totally free, exclusively for us and
before the show even opened. We also had our supervisor visit in Bundy, it was
pretty chill and we did a lot of fun stuff like went to the Bundy ginger beer
factory, took a tour there and got to try all 16 of their non-alcoholic drinks,
we also got to try sugar cane, for the first time for most of us and just
generally had an awesome time. After Bundy it was a 3day drive to get to
Traralgon, which is where we are now. On Sunday we took a day trip to Melbourne
to visit Megan, which was fun, Melbourne is such a stinking hip city, it was
awesome. I guess it’s just another day in the life of the Natty team.
On a personal level I am doing well, I'm exceptionally
tired and exhausted all the time but I love the ministry and I live such a
blessed life. Next week we are back in Brisbane for the Ignite youth
conference, the largest Catholic youth Conference in Australia, which we as the
National team, along with the Sydney, Emerald and Mazenod (Melbourne school
team) will be taking part and helping with. Please pray for Ignite and the
young people who will be there. Also I seriously miss everyone back home so
please if you get the chance send me an email so I know how your lives are
going. I will try and repost sooner in the future. For photos check out my facebook, sorry my internet here is to slow to upload any for the blog.