Friday 23 December 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the land
Not an inn had a room not even a bed.
The couple walked on with donkey in tow,
In hope that baby Jesus would soon be there.

They knocked on each door, and everyone said
There is no room, for you to lay your head.
But one kindly man had a stable to spare,
He said you can have your baby there.

At last it was Christmas and in a stable with sheep,
They welcomed their baby into the world and lay him to sleep.
The wise men came with their gift and their presents,
To welcome the Lord on this earth from Heaven.

Twas a glorious day that out Lord did come,
And now we shall celebrate all he hath done.
Happy Birthday Jesus have a good day,
All who love you have many thanks to say.
We know that we fail, we stumble and fall
But we know that this season is for you and I thank you on behalf of all.

Merry Christmas everyone and don't forget "Jesus is the reason for the season"