Friday 13 April 2012

you are good enough.

In life there are so many restriction placed on us, so much pressure to conform, to be a certain way. Ultimately we are constantly bombarded with the message that you are not good enough, you need to be someone other than who you are in order to be good. Often we buy into this; I know I’ve certainly been guilty of it. But when we believe this lie we deny ourselves so much and we tell God he’s not good enough because God created us in HIS image and HIS likeness, when we are dissatisfied with ourselves we must also be dissatisfied with God, in whose image we were created. Our God is perfect in every way, that means you too are perfect, don’t let the lies of society bring you down, don’t place those restrictions on yourself, of trying to be someone you’re not or believing you’re not good enough because God, the source of all that it good, believes you are good enough.